Backups are Important. The most important thing you can do to keep your web site safe is to perform regular backups. Backups can be your life saver as they can help you recover your files, when need arises. You should always perform a complete backup of your files while performing any updates on your web site. This will make sure you can revert back in case something goes wrong.
Backup App inside cPanel allows you to download and store your site in a backup file. This interface also allows you to restore your website from a backup file.
Here is brief information about available options:
- Full backups option allows you to generate a complete backup of your web site including emails, stats, MySQL databases and public_html folder. This backup can only be restored by us. We levy $10-$20 charges for this restore service. These backup files are not backup by us.
- Partial Backups option allows you to store individual section of your account. You can use partial backups to restore portion of your web site. For example, to restore MySQL Database click choose file under the restore a MySQL Database icon.
You can find more information about backup options by clicking on Documentation link inside cPanel control panel.
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